Virtual Arrival: pass legislation that requires all ports to implement virtual arrival by 2040. Start implementing software and improve communication.
Peak Shaving: Implement electric/hybrid cranes, phase in peak shaving for automated ports.
Shore to Ship Power: pass legislation that require the implementation of shore to ship power in large ports by 2040.
Electric Charging Station: Continue implementing electric charging stations at ports, decrease diesel stations.
Methanol Tanks: Begin rollout of methanol bunkering.
Solar Reefers: Continue phasing out diesel reefers and implement solar reefers.
Virtual Arrival: have 30% of US ports implement virtual arrival
Shore to Ship Power ports continue to implement shore power
Peak Shaving: expect all fully automated ports should implement peak shaving by this date. Phase in peak shaving for non-automated ports.
Electric Charging Station: Continue implementing electric charging stations at ports, decrease diesel stations.
Methanol Tanks: Continue to implement Methanol tanks for ships.
Solar Reefers: Continue phasing out diesel reefers and implement solar reefers as diesel reefers reach their age limit.
Virtual Arrival: have 50% of US ports implement virtual arrival.
Shore to Ship Power ports continue to implement shore power.
Peak Shaving: Continue to phase in peak shaving for non-automated ports.
Electric Charging Station: increase the number of charging stations.
Methanol Tanks: Continue to implement Methanol tanks for ships.
Solar Reefers: Diesel reefers replaced with electric reefers and solar reefers.
Virtual Arrival: virtual arrival will be implemented in all US ports.
Peak Shaving: Phase in peak shaving for non-automated ports.
Shore to Ship Power: shore to ship power implemented everywhere that is required.
Electric Charging Station: increase the number of charging stations.
Methanol Tanks: Continue to implement Methanol tanks for ships.
Solar Reefers: Diesel reefers replaced with electric reefers and solar reefers.
Virtual Arrival: All ports implemented virtual arrival.
Peak Shaving: phase in peak shaving for non-automated ports.
Shore to Ship Power: shore to ship power implemented everywhere it is required.
Electric Charging Station: Provide charging stations in all ports for all battery-electric trucks in the US.
Methanol Tanks: Continue to implement Methanol tanks for ships.
Solar Reefers: Diesel reefers replaced with electric reefers and solar reefers.
Virtual Arrival: All ports implemented virtual arrival.
Peak Shaving: phase in peak shaving for non-automated ports.
Shore to Ship Power: shore to ship power implemented everywhere it is required.
Electric Charging Station: Provide charging stations in all ports for all battery-electric trucks in the US.
Methanol Tanks: Provide methanol bunkering for 100% of ships, phase out traditional fuels.
Solar Reefers: Diesel reefers replaced with electric reefers and solar reefers.